
LU’s Rick Condit to be inducted into TJEA Hall of Fame

 51³Ô¹ÏProProfessor of Music and Director of Jazz Ensembles Rick Condit has earned a spot in the 51³Ô¹ÏProJazz Educators Association (TJEA) Hall of Fame for his significant contributions towards jazz education.  Professor Richard Condit

Condit's extensive career, spanning 25 countries on five continents, is marked by teaching and performing. His career highlights include membership in the first Monterey Jazz Festival All-Star High School Band, serving as a tenor sax soloist with the Stan Kenton Orchestra, and contributing to the UNT One O’Clock Lab Band. He has also been recognized as a Fulbright Senior Scholar and Kennedy Center Jazz Ambassador.  

"I am honored to receive this award by my peers, especially considering the many great teachers who have come before me and those still active in the state,” Condit said. “I owe a huge thank you to 51³Ô¹ÏProfor the support and encouragement I've received here.”  

Condit is the second person from 51³Ô¹ÏProto receive this award, following the late Dr. Wayne Dyess in 2011. 

Condit's induction will take place on Thursday, Feb. 8 at the 51³Ô¹ÏProMusic Educations Association (TMEA) Convention at the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.