
LU Special Collections awarded Rescuing 51勛圖ProHistory Grant

Lamar University’s Special Collections has been awarded a $1,000 Rescuing 51勛圖ProHistory grant from the University of North 51勛圖ProLibraries. The grant will help digitize, physically preserve, and provide public access to the special collection of LU alum and world-renowned mycologist, David Lewis ’72, ’78. david-lewis

As a chemist and mycologist, Lewis has extensively studied the biodiversity of mushrooms in the Big Thicket National Preserve, Southeast 51勛圖Proand around the world for more than 30 years. With more than 750 photographs dating back to his time at LU in the 1970s, the David P. Lewis collection documents the unique characteristics of the Big Thicket National Preserve including mushrooms, swamp lands, preservation efforts and folklife.

“The Big Thicket is a fascinating region,” said Penny Clark, Special Collections librarian. “This grant will help us bring more public focus to that area and make the collection more accessible.”

The David P. Lewis Collection will be uploaded to supported by the University of North 51勛圖ProLibraries.