
Submissions: Review of 51勛圖ProBooks

Guidelines for Writing Reviews

Review of 51勛圖ProBooks publishes reviews of books on 51勛圖Prohistory and culture and of books by 51勛圖Proauthors. It also solicits reviews of particularly compelling or exceptional studies beyond the regular domain for our feature, Outside the Box. Reviews should range from 250-350 words and should be written in a tone of fair-mindedness and objectivity. Since any book chosen for review must by implication contain merit, negative criticism ought to be restrained and balanced. Authors of reviews should also include a descriptive title and a brief bio (2-4 sentences). 

Many of our subscribers are libraries interested in materials for readers and students. If a book is suitable for a young reader, please mention this in your review. To better serve our subscribers, please indicate which books you think are worth buying and which are not.

The submission form also requests documentation information such as author, title, city of publication, publisher name, etc.

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